case studies.

CASE STUDY - Ministry of Solid Minerals Development (MSMD)

Repositioning a Government Parastatal.

The Ministry of Solid Minerals Development (MSMD), now the Ministry of Mines & Steel Development, was set up to focus on the research and exploration of solid minerals in Nigeria. The Ministry was established in 1985 as a bold attempt by the Nigerian Government to spur the rapid and beneficial development of the country’s solid mineral resources and in doing so, unlock the economic potentials of the solid minerals sub-sector.

The Challenge.

MSMD was facing many challenges such as the absence of a recognisable identity and brand, widespread ignorance of the existence and practices of the Ministry, a dearth of foreign investors in the solid minerals sector, proliferation of illegal miners and inadequate organisational structure. Alder Consulting was engaged to develop a comprehensive brand strategy and facilitate the implementation via various media channels.

The Solution.


Brand Strategy


Visual Identity


Marketing Communication


Employee Acculturation


Event Management

Brand Strategy.

At a strategy session with the Minister and the critical thinking members of the Ministry, the purpose and essence of the Ministry were defined. The mission and vision were also crafted. Communication programs and initiatives were designed including an acculturation programme for the staff of the Ministry.

Visual Identity.

A new logo was developed for MSMD as well as a brand mark highlighting the 34 minerals being promoted in Nigeria. The Ministry’s entire visual suite was redesigned.


Marketing Icon


New corporate function materials and a detailed visual identity manual were developed.

Marketing Communication.

An extensive marketing communication campaign was developed incorporating print advertisements, billboards and brochures.

Employee Acculturation.

To ensure that the Ministry staff imbibed the tenets of the new brand, an acculturation session was held for over 1000 staff members. Feedback from the session was very positive.

Event Management.

Alder handled the packaging of the Ministry, its exhibition stand and promotional materials at mining conferences in South Africa, Canada and China.